Do I put this away while I’m feeling like a champ . . a rather battered champ after having had to re-stitch that border 4 times (that’s after stitching it the first time!). I think at this point, we can all agree that I am not a quitter. Maybe bull headed and determined because there is a point, for some people, when enough is enough.

I always want to know if you see mistakes. Today is not the day. Give me a few days and then tell me if you see something wrong. I keep staring at it and staring at . . looking for a mistake that I KNOW has to be there but hoping it isn’t. Give me til Saturday. If there’s a mistake, let me know Saturday or any time thereafter.

It is so perfectly centered! Really . . it’s either centered or it isn’t but I can’t stop patting myself on the back. Honestly, how hard is it to center something. Count the stitches, divide by 2. That formula didn’t work for me on Tuesday! 🙂
I’m going to think about it for a while and then decide what to do today.
BTW, I do know the two left blue stars still need some stitches.
Shauna Trueblood says
It looks great! But I would put it away if only for the day a s stitch something else so that you can relax a little. Being tense while stitching takes the fun out of it.
Deb E says
I agree with Shauna — put it away and pat yourself on the back a LOT for hanging in there and figuring out how to fix it. You’ll feel much happier with your finished project if you allow all the negative feelings to just float away, so you can return to it happy to continue on and finish it up. I admire your tenacity….and it looks beautiful to me!
justquiltin says
Well done! I finally last night also got to move on to a new part after ripping lots to get the initial part I stitched centered. I got the top of the border around the inset in place and have started on a building. It’s such a relief to finally be stitching on a area not not have to check and recheck if it’s centered.