Late last night . . really early this morning . . I finshed Addie’s cross stitch piece. Today I hope to get it made into a pillow.
The chart shows an acorn on one side of the text and a leaf on the other side but I think that would make it look kinda cluttered and I’m ready to be done so . . I’m done.

I’m so sorry but I cannot find where I got this. There’s a link on the bottom of the chart but it isn’t working. I’ll keep looking and update it if I can figure it out. Here’s the link to the chart that seems to be working today. It was either a glitch last night or maybe, since it’s a free chart, there’s a limited number of hits per day. I have no idea but if you go and it isn’t working, try again later.
I think it turned out cute and she will be happy with it. I am going to stitch the date on it before sewing it into a pillow.
Tee says
You linked it when you first posted it. This works – says
Yes, I remembered but the link wasn’t working last night so I didn’t include it. It is working today. Thanks.
Marsha B says
The link for this cutie was in your Nov. 14th post and here is the link
It is adorable! says
Thanks. That link wasn’t working last night so that’s why I didn’t include it but it seems to be good now.
justquiltin says
She will love it!
DarW says
Don’t forget your name or initials! Beautiful job!
Liz says
Very nice, but now you have to start the Christmas pillow. How about a Valentine’s Day,St. Pat’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, and so on….
She’ll enjoy all of them.. I still have the needlework that my Grandmother did for me. They are framed and hanging on a wall. says
I told her I’d make pillows for every holiday.
Teri says
Darling, she will love it.
Marsha B says
Judy, when you can choose to work from a color chart or a black and white one, which do you prefer or find easier to read? I’ve been trying to decide which one works best for me and I’d appreciate your thoughts. says
If I’m using paper charts, I enlarge those so it usually takes 3 or 4 sheets to get one page of the chart. In order to conserve colored ink, I print those in black and white. Also, I use a highlighter, pink, green, yellow – whatever is handy, to mark the stitches I’ve made and it’s easier for me to see which stitches haven’t been made if I’m using black and white.
If you’re asking about using Pattern Keeper, I usually stitch from the color chart. It’s easy to tap the stitches and they’re highlighted with gray to see where I’ve already stitched and it’s easy if I have red thread left on the needle to see where I can make a few more red stitches and use up that strand.
Cindy F says
So cute! Addie will love it! As much trouble as the lettering was, the outlining really did add to it. says
It did. As soon as I saw what a difference it made, I was glad I had done it.
Sheryl says
I got the pattern and would love to look around her Etsy shop but I can’t find it. The link in the pattern doesn’t work. says
I had trouble getting anything to work last night and could get the chart to work today but not much else.
Sherry Bobak says
Sheryl, here is the home link to her shop or just copy and paste. says
Thank you, Sherry!