Dang it. I finished stitching, looked at the chart and the door is supposed to be blue! That’s what happens when I think I know what I’m doing and don’t look at the chart.

For now, it’s staying red. This is what it’s supposed to look like.

I’ll finish stitching everything else and see what I think. Right now, I think it needs to be blue but I liked it fine red til I realized it was supposed to be blue. Maybe once there’s more blue on the other side, it will look ok red . . that’s a decision for another day.
Dorothy Matheson says
Looks just fine red to me.
Carolyn says
You could always outline it with blue so it stands out a bit more! Looks great so far!
Elizabeth G says
The pattern colors are meant to be suggestive and how the person who created the pattern wanted it. If you want a red door and blue shutters that is your piece of art. Do what makes you happy!!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I understand but looking at the chart, the blue door looks nicer and I would have preferred a blue door but maybe not so much so that I will rip it out and re-stitch it.