Smoked chicken is one of my favorite foods to cook and to eat. I love taking off the skin that we don’t eat and boiling it to make broth for cooking beans. I’ll put the broth in the fridge overnight so the fat rises to the top and hardens, then scrape it off and discard it and have left the smokey broth. I do the same with the bones – boil them and save that broth. I don’t like an overpowering smoke flavor to my gumbo but a little bit of smoked broth enhances the flavor of gumbo, in my opinion . . especially since I can’t get good cajun smoked sausage here.

Once the chicken was defrosted from the freezer, I rubbed it with olive oil, seasoned it and stuck it in a plastic bag til time to put it on the smoker.

I stuck it in the smoker for about 3-1/2 hours at 225 degrees and this is what we got:

We had baked beans that I had canned a couple of weeks ago and potato salad. We also had cranberry mustard with the meat instead of BBQ sauce.

A few minutes ago I remembered that I had not unplugged the smoker from where I had to plug it in inside the garage. When the house was inspected, the outside wall plug near where we use the smoker wasn’t working so Jeremy replaced it. When I tried to use the smoker, that plug wasn’t working so Vince replaced it when he got here full time. I think it’s in an area where, no matter what cover we’ve put over it, it still gets wet and the sun doesn’t shine there much so the GF thing goes nuts and stops working. How’s that for electrical terminology? All I know is that every other time I need it, it doesn’t work. Today I ran an extension cord into the garage and just now realized it was probably still plugged in.
We had this conversation:
Me: Did you unplug the extension cord from the wall in the garage?
Vince: Yes.
Me: You opened the garage door and unplugged the smoker from the wall?
Vince: I unplugged the smoker so it’s unplugged from the wall but it’s still plugged into the wall.
OK. He means he unplugged the smoker cord from the extension cord so the end of the extension cord that was plugged into the smoker is unplugged but the end that goes into the wall plug in the garage is still plugged in.
I don’t think I understand that line of thinking so I’ll go out to the garage and unplug the smoker from the wall. And this is how we have so much trouble communicating. Is it me? Is it him? Is it a combination of a little of both of us? I don’t know but I find myself saying what I think I mean, then second guessing myself to try to figure out if what Vince hears/interprets is what I meant and if what I hear is what he meant because lately . . just saying the words doesn’t seem to be enough!
Sandi B says
I can relate. I often wonder if we truly spoke the words, or if we just THOUGHT we were speaking out loud! says
Thank you. There are so many times we have a discussion and I try not to laugh at how absurdly different our individual conversations are and yet we’re supposedly talking about the same thing. I’m sorry for you but glad to know it happens in other households.
Teri says
OMGosh…it happens to all of us….my husband starts a sentence about something we were talking about the day before like I remember what he was talking about the day before. Or he says something about a friend such as John well we have lots of John friends. So I ask which John and he gives me the look like really you don’t know who I’m talking about It goes on and on…my friends have the same problem. says
It doesn’t happen so much with people but Vince will say “I’m going to the store” and I’ll say “Would you mind getting milk?” and he says “I’m only going to Home Depot.” When I say “I’m going to the store”, 100% of the time, I’m going to the grocery store. Otherwise, I say “I’m going to Home Depot”, or I’m going to the yarn store or I’m going to pet store. But that wouldn’t stop Vince from saying “Can you get box of nails?” if I say I’m going to the yarn store . . instead of saying “Would you mind stopping by Home Depot and getting a box of nails?” I don’t get it . . really, half the time I don’t have a clue what he’s talking about.
Same as with y’all. It could be something we talked about three days ago and he starts up like we’re in the middle of that conversation and I’m trying to retrace my thoughts and see if I can figure out what he’s talking about. If I say “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about!”, he might say “You’re telling me you don’t remember us talking about this last week?” Oh, yes, now I do but we’ve talked about a few other things since then.
I’m sure I do it to him too though I try to think about what I’m saying and be clear since even when I think I’m being clear, it can go totally off track sometimes.
RuthW in md says
These days I find myself “listening hard” to see if I can figure out what conversation he is “continuing” before I reveal my ignorance.
Glad to see you finally thawed out the chicken in cold water. I put the frozen turkey in cold water the whole day before I cook it too. Then move it to the fridge overnight.