When we first started planning all the things we were going to do at the house, I wasn’t crazy about the idea of the pergola and I didn’t see the need for the little extended area next to the driveway. Everything we’ve done so far is going to be great. The deck really needed to be re-done; I love the new short stairs because I can go out the back door of the house, go down those stairs and be right at the garden instead of having to go out the walk thru door in the garage and walk all the way around the house.
The pergola is going to get used way more than I thought it would since we’ve already been using it for the grill and outside canning.
But, this little extension off the driveway . . I’m going to love it.

You can see that little pad – that’s where I’ll put the smoker. The driveway slopes down from the house and I had to put the smoker halfway down the drive to get to a level spot. They multiply so quickly that by the time it’s time to transplant them in late summer, I’ll probably have enough to cover most of the space I want to cover.
Vince has filled the area in with dirt and mulched it and this is where we’ll put a little table and some chairs. I can sit out there and watch Addie ride her bike on our street, or draw on the driveway. I can knit or read while she’s out there.
But the best thing is that it gives me more space for plants. I think I’m going to plant the saffron crocus just on the inside of those concrete bocks.
A friend is going to send me more rhubarb and it needs to be planted in part shade here.

I found this metal landscape edging and I think that’s what I would like to use. My idea is to put the edging about 16″ from the edge of the concrete (on the ground), fill it in with dirt and plant the rhubarb there. The crocus plants would be on the upper level.
I think the rusted looking metal with the gray concrete blocks will be interesting and it will keep the dirt from washing away so I can plant the rhubarb there.
Vince might have other ideas. He mentioned landscape timbers at first but I want to keep the shape of the curve the same. That’s a project for spring . . but while the tin is on sale, he may want to order it if he likes it.