We left the house this morning at 8:30 and got home a little after 3. We never do that. The best thing . . well, there were two three four best things.

- The first stop was about 40 minutes from here so I got some knitting done in the car.
- We ate at a Thai restaurant.
- We went to Goodwill and I found a whole stack of frames. I’ll do another blog post about that.
- We had a second appointment that required waiting so I got more knitting time done.
Tomorrow, we kinda get to do the same thing all over again but I hope we’ll only be gone half as long and I’m betting after finding all the frames today, Vince will not let me near a flea market .. though he did mention going to Goodwill but he may have changed his mind.
Liz says
Well, since you are getting a small miter saw, you have a bunch of frames to modify to fit your needlework. I hope you got a “sad” one for real cheap to practice.
Storms are in the OKC area and there was some hail, I think? Sounded like hail but couldn’t see any stones on the ground. Some of the storms are severe but they may not make it up to MO. There is a tornado warning down by the Red River. But, most of the storm line is moving east- northeast, except for the T-warning area shows the storm moving south-southeast. I really dislike severe summer & fall storms.
On another note, today was the anniversary of the storm that sunk the Edmund Fitzgerald. Had to listen to the Gordon Lightfoot song. I know the Mariners Church in Detroit and I’m sure the bells rang 29 times for the sailors. Last time I went to Michigan for a visit, I returned via a long drive along Lakes Michigan and Superior. Stopped by Whitefish Bay, but the museum was closed. A great thing about the trip was that I had no schedule so I just drove. There were many diners/bars that I stopped to enjoy the fresh fish (usually whitefish) and local beers. Great time just chatting with the locals. For me, that is the best type of vacation – no schedule.
Nelle Coursey says
Glad you found the frames. I have seen things people have picked up for a few dollars that turned out to be worth million! One was a Jackson Pollock painting the lady bought for $5!!