Yesterday Vince had gone to town (negative Covid test so he’s free to go to town every day). I was out tending to plants while he was gone and saw that my Perpetual Spinach was getting big enough that I could pull off a few leaves for sandwiches or a small salad.

I had steaks out for dinner and I was going to bake potatoes. It’s supposed to rain, maybe storm tonight and then get cold so I figured last night was a good night for grilling steaks.
I decided to pull off a few spinach leaves and making a tiny little salad – with more carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese than spinach, add sunflower seeds and walnuts, so I went back out and grabbed some spinach.
Then when Vince came in, he had gone by Aldi and they had two packages of salmon marked down.

The use or freeze by date was 11/10 and I prefer to eat the salmon instead of freezing it so I cooked it and Vince grilled the two steaks. We’ll have leftover salmon and steak tonight so . . no cooking (and no canning today.

I made a blue cheese cream sauce for the steak. We split one steak, had the salmon baked potatoes and the little salad (with pink dressing!).
I think tonight I’ll do something with sweet potatoes, heat up the steak and salmon and maybe serve it with green beans or maybe make some red beans and I can add sausage and we can have that with rice tomorrow.