When we lived in Kentucky, I planted saffron crocus and I used to love when they bloomed and I could snip out the little stigma and let them dry. I loved making saffron rice but I had another recipe that I made often and now I can’t remember what it was. I’m going to have do some searching . . it may have been in my Pirate’s Pantry cookbook.
I won’t buy saffron normally because it’s so expensive but it’s easy to grow. The bulbs multiply quickly. In fact, I divided my twice while we lived in Kentucky. I guess because we moved in December, I didn’t dig any of them up and bring them with me.
The other day I got an email from Baker Creek that they had them in stock so I ordered them. We’re in plant hardiness zone 6B and really on the northern edge of where it’s safe to plant them in the ground and leave them. Where we were in Kentucky was also 6B and they did fine but I do believe it gets colder here . . maybe that’s because of last winter and maybe that isn’t normal. It’s too late to plant them in the ground this year here and everything I read said “they don’t store well” so I planted them in pots and I’ll bring them into the garage on our coldest nights.

I’ll keep them in these pots til then. They may or may not bloom this year. Time will tell. I already know where I want to plant them . . just have to remember to do it.
Elle says
Remember in open air pots the soil will get much colder than in the ground. I would lean toward bringing them in under 34F.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I probably will just because if the weather guy says it’s going to be 33 or 34 and he’s a bit off, I could lose them.
Liz says
Can your sunroom, between the kitchen and the deck, be used as a green house for the winter or does it get too chilly? it would be neat to have some fresh herbs, micro greens etc grown in home. I just got some fresh micro green seeds, so I need to start up my aero garden again.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
It gets way too cold in there. I can keep plants on the deck and then bring them in on the nights it gets too cold. That’s what I did with the bay leaf trees last year. Just can’t bring in too many.
Cindy F says
I always learn so much from you! I made a mental note to order some next year. I did a search and it seems that it will grow well here. I haven’t done much cooking with it but it will be nice to have just the flowers too.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I thought I remembered that they always came up while it was still snowing and it was so beautiful to see the purple flowers with the snow but what I’m reading has me questioning if I’m remembering correctly.
Cindy F says
I know there are crocuses that come up in the spring, usually the first thing to bloom and often there is still snow around…at least here anyway. The local article I read said that the saffron crocus blooms in the fall so that’s why I figured it was too late for me to order it and plant it. I still have regular crocus bulbs to plant and I better get to it in the next few days!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Vince said he thought I had the saffron crocus in a side flower bed and that I had different crocus plants in the front but I could swear I remember sitting on the front steps and pulling saffron strands but since I don’t remember what I did yesterday, I’m not betting on my memory from 20 years ago.
I love crocus blooms and I do think I remember that I bought some and planted them, then I learned about saffron crocus and bought those and planted them. I guess it could have been one of those crazy early snows in October and the saffron crocus were blooming when it snowed . . I don’t remember.
patti says
my hubby uses safron often, he makes a wonderful paella several times a year. yes, safron is expensive, but costco carries it at a good price during this time of the year.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
No Costco here. 🙁