As mentioned in the “Yesterday’s Report”, I didn’t meet my goal. Of course I’d love to meet my goals every day but when we have a day with as much going on as we had yesterday, and the day before, I can’t complain. Produce in the garden has to be put up. We had to resolve issues with the stove yesterday. I’ll have goals every day and some days I’ll meet them and some days, something totally unforeseen will happen. As I get more familiar with what I can get done, I should become better at “forecasting” what I can get done. In the winter, there will be no garden, probably not much freeze drying, no zucchini to magically transform into pineapple, etc. For now cross stitching is the fun job .. most everything else is the “real” job. Earlier in the week, I told Vince “We’re having soup every day this winter!” I love soup but no, we won’t have soup every day. Heck, making soup may not even count as cooking according to the man of the house! 🙂
So, here’s where I was with A Changed World on Wednesday night.

Here’s where I ended last night:

I didn’t get two rows done but I came close. I guess I’d rather overestimate what I can get done than underestimate.
My hope is that I’ll get the third row completed and the fourth row done today. We’ll see.
Tracy says
Looking good. I forget if you are using silk for this one, if so how do you like it?
Judy Laquidara says
I don’t know. I’m not at the point yet where I can see why it’s worth the extra cost. It does feel good but I don’t think I could walk up to a finished piece and immediately notice it’s done in silks. Of course, I’m also the one who doesn’t notice if things are stitched on linen or aida so I may not be the best judge.