Friday UPS or Fed Ex delivered a package. Of course, Vince was giving me the evil eye when he went to the door. Thoughts were racing through my mind . . what did I order? I usually am tracking everything and know what’s coming.
As he was going to the door, he said “I didn’t order anything!” I said “I don’t think I ordered anything!”
He came and and said “Office Depot” like . . gotcha! I said “I didn’t order anything from Office Depot. Make sure it’s addressed to us.” We do seem to get mail and packages that aren’t always for us.
He opened it and it was his Master Gardener book. The truth was . . neither of us had ordered anything from Office Depot.

The University of MO must have them printed or copied and bound and sent out by Office Depot. I hope mine comes today because I cannot wait to start reading it. All weekend, I’d thumb through it every time I walked by it. I think I’m way more excited about this than Vince is. He never gets as excited about things as I do but it may also be because he knows everything I learn will probably create more work for him. I’m betting he’s very thankful we have just one acre here. Think what I could do if we had 45 acres here . . in a place with good dirt and rain! No . . let’s not think about that. It isn’t ever going to happen and we’re getting too old to do that much work. Besides, if I’m working in the garden, who’s going to cross stitch all these projects?
Sara Fridley says
Have fun with the Master Gardener program! I’m sure you will enjoy it. One of my friends just finished the program from University of Iowa. She and her husband have had a blast with all the new knowledge and ideas they gained. They’ve always enjoyed gardening together, but this summer has been special for them. When they live here in SD, they had a smaller yard, but it was pretty and contained lots of interesting plants. But now they have a larger yard in IA, and it’s spectacular!!! They built an arbor you can walk through for their squash!!
Sheryl Till says
That’s a very nice looking manual! Louisiana’s is just loose leaf copies in a ginormous binder.