Last night I was thinking about the hummingbirds and we’ve always had enough blooming that there were an abundance of hummingbirds. Even in Texas where we didn’t have a lot of blooming plants in the yard, there were wild flowers and fruit tree blossoms. Other than the one knockout roses, there are few blooming plants in our yard, though there are lots of flowers in the neighborhood and hummingbirds are all over a friend’s feeders almost next door.
Last night when we went to bed, I asked Vince to kinda be on the lookout for them and let me know when he sees one. He asked if I was worried they wouldn’t come. I wasn’t worried but was thinking that I should have bought one or two feeders til I knew they would come here. Vince said . . “They’ll be here by morning. They find those feeders quickly.”
Sure enough, there have been a couple out there. I haven’t been able to get a decent picture yet but here’s a picture from Texas.

I was mixing up 2 cups of sugar/8 cups of water every single morning and often running out of “food” before the day was over. Not sure we’ll have that many here but we can hope.
Carolyn says
My humming birds are too territorial to allow another in the same feeder. Even w 2 feeders and plants they only come one at a time! I found a nursery here that sells Black&Blue Salvia. They really love that!
Judy Laquidara says
I’ll look for black and blue salvia next year. Thanks!
Rosalie says
I have 4 feeders hanging and I use 2-4 quarts a day. When it was especially cool earlier in the spring we used 5-6 quarts!
Judy Laquidara says
That’s a LOT! I’m sure the hummers greatly appreciate it.
Susan says
I have made my hummy food just like you for years. Last week, I read an article that explained we should be making it with a 1 to 3 ratio as it was closer to ‘real’ nectar. I love those little guys but sometimes when the whiz by me, I get pretty startled!
Judy Laquidara says
That’s interesting. I’ll try that in one feeder and see if they have a preference.
Nancy H. says
The hummingbirds are very territorial at my feeders. I never get more than one at a time. I have red Salvia that the love and a hearty Fuchsia. I have hanging Fuchsias also and the go for those. I have two feeders but they usually last several days. Over the winter is was usually an everyday thing. The Anna’s hummingbirds stay here all winter. In our one and only storm when we got down to 25 degrees my husband would go get the frozen feeder every two hours to thaw it out. At one of the feeders I have a hummingbird Heinie warmer. They are made locally and they keep the feeder thawed. Basically a squirrel baffle with holes drilled in it for hanging chains and a string of Christmas lights setting in the baffle which is then hung under the feeder. The birds were nervous about the lights to begin with but they got hungry and then would sit there on the feeder or the edge of the baffle and warm their heinies.
Amy Makson says
MIne are like Carolyn’s… very antisocial…. only one at a time or else they chase each other. What a great pictures and how wonderful they found your feeder so fast! THere are some here over the winter, but rare… we have never seen them at our feeder
Deb Enders says
I put 4 heaping cups of sugar into a gallon plastic container (with lid), add 4 cups of boiling water & shake it. Once the sugar is dissolved I add cool water to the container to nearly the top, but the lid on & shake & refrigerate. I have to make a gallon of hummer food every day (and sometimes 2!) – we have 3 large feeders, but the babies are out now and they swarm the feeders early in the day and late as well. They LOVE the food.