Having flowers blooming around the house makes me happy. I love walking around and seeing things blooming. Right now, the cilantro has totally bolted, his about 4′ tall and is full of blooms. The hydrangeas are starting to bloom. The one lavender plant I have is blooming. The rose bush (and it is a knockout rose) is blooming. Several of the small plants I haven’t planted yet are blooming – echinacea, shasta daisies and even one of the lilacs in a pot.
Yesterday while we were headed to Lowe’s, I thought about hanging baskets of flowers on the five posts that Vince has set in concrete (3 for the wisteria and 2 for the raspberries). Once the wisteria gets going, I may not be able to hang baskets on those posts but by then, Vince will have the garden fence to the point that I can hang baskets on at least the corner posts.

We probably should have bought one more of these so when we do hang baskets on the four fence posts, they will all match.

I wanted all the hanging baskets to be different, at least for this first year. They’ll all be in full sun so I need to see what works better and what doesn’t so I know what to get from here on. We did get two pots of petunias and one pot of mixed flowers that has some petunias in it.
They were all very dry so I gave them a good soaking. Not sure if Vince will have time today to screw the hooks into the posts. He may want to wait – not sure what day he put the posts in the concrete but he’ll remember.
Lots of pretty color but more things to water and fertilize.
Twyla says
These are all so pretty.. Is that Lantana in the lower left pot. James got me a yellow one for mother’s day and I am enjoying it. Do you get much wind? I have to water almost daily due to our south wind.