There’s no telling where all my old high school and college yearbooks are but last night someone posted on Facebook that they’re all on the internet in the Louisiana digital library so I went searching and spent some time looking at the yearbook from my senior year in high school.
So much of that stuff I don’t even remember. I don’t know if they still do this but they had academic “Who’s Who” for those who excelled in certain areas.
I was in Who’s Who for Shorthand:

It looks like I was saying . . get this show on the road!
And for Office Practice:

Those two are not surprising but as I told Vince . . you won’t believe this one!

Everyone was crowded in and I didn’t want to have pictures of all the people so you’ll just have to see my name! Yes, Vince was surprised but I loved physics back then . . not so much these days.
That was a lot of years ago. I was surprised just looking through our class pictures at how many members of our class are now deceased. Makes me feel really lucky to still be here . . just wishing I was the size I was back then! 🙂
Donna in KS says
You haven’t changed a bit! That is what my hair looks like now….not cut since February 2020. I like your waves and curls and I’m liking mine now, but not sure they look that good on me at my age! Well, like you said, not caring for physics now. Gravity hasn’t done me any favors. Things do change. Beautiful senior class pictures of you.
TuNa Quilts says
“ just wishing I was the size I was back then!” Don’t we all!?
Bon says
My thought also.
vivoaks says
Oh, to be the size I was back then…..I could live with that! 🙂
JudyT says
Since recently moving back to my home town after 40+ years away, I use my yearbooks all the time when anybody mentions someone or I see an obituary of a familiar name. Sometimes I feel like I need to carry them around with me!
Judy Laquidara says
I wish I still had mine. Just looking at them online is good but sitting down and going through them in real life would be awesome. I thought I remembered most everyone but seeing those pictures, I realize I do not.