I keep thinking today is Saturday. I don’t know why!
It’s a rare day that I’m up before Vince. This morning I was awake about 4:45 but we did go to bed fairly early last night. I thought I might go back to sleep but after a few minutes, decided to get up. I quietly closed the bathroom door behind me, then I brushed my teeth manually (without the power on to the electric toothbrush!), then tip toed back through the bedroom, and quietly closed the door as I left the room. I got a load of clothes washed and was doing some tax work when Vince got up about 7:45. He walked into the living room and I scared him half to death!
Vince: You’re in here??
Me: Yes!
Vince: I was sure you were still in bed. I was so quiet so as not to disturb you!
He almost turned and went back to the bedroom to make sure I wasn’t in there. I was about to crack up laughing at him.
He kept saying . . I was sure you were in there! Then he wanted to know when I got up and how I got out of bed without him waking up.
Funny man.
Of course, we went to town. We haven’t missed a day yet. We had to go to the bank and do some stuff there, then we went to Walmart. I got some pots to plant elderberry cuttings in. I got a little rug to put down where you walk from the tile floor to the wood floor; I got some flowers to put in pots on the front porch and I got little containers of rosemary, basil and oregano to set out in pots. The rosemary in Texas had looked dead but Vince said it was coming back so if it comes back there, you’d think it would come back here. I may plant some in the ground just to see what happens.
We both ended up taking naps. I had gone to bed and just barely fallen asleep when Vince came in. He said he couldn’t keep his eyes open and I think we both were immediately asleep. I woke up a couple of hours later and he was already awake and back to working on taxes. He said he hadn’t been up long.

There have been storms all evening . . enough that they cancelled Food Truck Friday about 4 p.m. and asked everyone to go some place safe. There hasn’t been a threat of tornadoes, though there’s a slim chance that could happen before these storms move out. Mostly it’s been hail but if it happened here, it was while we were napping.
I love storms when they aren’t scary. That is one thing I missed in Texas. We rarely had good thunderstorms. Of course, Rita is looking at me like . . are you crazy? She is not a fan of thunder! I think the weather man said it should all end by 10 p.m. so we can go to sleep without worrying about what may happen during the night.
We got pizza for dinner. It’s seeming more and more like we no longer need a kitchen! 🙂 Vince is enjoying the restaurants he’s missed for so long. I plan to cook tomorrow and Sunday. We’ll have to go out some early next week. We have to get the cars inspected and get them tagged, get our driver’s licenses switched back to MO and I think that will be about the last of what we have to do to be finally officially MO residents.
I’m going to spend the rest of the evening stitching . . I hope!
Liz says
Two things you have to do – cancel your Texas voter registration since it may not be automatic when you leave the state and then register to vote in MO.
When I moved into my house, I kept getting the voter ID cards for the people who used to live here. I could not get their names off the rolls, even though I knew that they had moved out of state. I checked the voter rolls forever until they were taken off the list for not voting in X number of elections.
When my aunt died in Florida, I called and found out that they checked the obits and cleared her name. Of course this was only one county in Florida. When my parents died, it was easy to remove their names from the voting rolls since the city people knew me. Scary but true…. It was harder to get the Comcast cable cancelled. I had to take both death certificates down to the office to get the account cancelled.
Judy Laquidara says
The closing documents had forms to sign to cancel voter registration since we were moving out of state. In MO, when you get your driver’s license, you can be registered to vote at the same time.
vivoaks says
Hey, I finally got a “single” email post instead of an email with 6-8 posts from the entire day. Of course, this is a day late, but at least it’s progress!! 🙂 When I read about you thinking it was Saturday, I thought, “It IS Saturday!” Then realized this was from yesterday. 🙂
Judy Laquidara says
That’s funny about me thinking it’s Saturday. I didn’t change anything so I have no explation.
Carolyn says
What growing zone are you? I live in zone 7 and my rosemary usually overwinters fine. I had a gorgeous rosemary plant right outside my back door at the old house. Last year we planted a new one in the garden and it didn’t do well, so will replant this year. I don’t think it will overwinter well here because we have raised beds so the roots will freeze. Unless I find a place to plant it in the ground, of course! Hmmm…I’ll have to think about that!
Judy Laquidara says
I’m in 6b now. When we lived in Kentucky, we were in 6b and it didn’t survive there. I’ll try it and see. I bought a plant so whether I plant it in a pot or in the ground and it doesn’t survive, I’m no worse off because it’s too hard to keep them alive inside with all wood and carpet floors. Not going to risk ruining a wood floor with plant inside.
I’ll plant it in a sunny spot where it gets some break from the wind and hope for the best.
Linda Garcia says
I have a very large rosemary plant that is years old, at least 10, maybe 15 years old. It is in a very large pot that is on a base with wheels. In the summer I put it out on the deck. I water it every day with the hose when it is outside. In the fall, I move it inside in front of my glass doors that face south so it gets lots of sun. I also water it every day inside. I use a pitcher to fill my coffee pot in the morning. I put some extra water in the pitcher, maybe a cup or so. Whatever is left in the pitcher gets dumped on the rosemary plant. They like to be evenly moist, not wet>dry>wet.
Judy Laquidara says
They apparently somewhat like dry because I planted two tiny plants in Texas and they grew to be taller than me and about as wide as I am tall. They are HUGE and it’s so dry there and they were on the side of the house where I often forgot to water. In our MO house, we have no floors that aren’t carpet or hardwood so I’m not risking messing up a floor by bringing a plant in, even if it has something under it that should catch drippings. It probably doesn’t get too cold in our garage but it also doesn’t have any light so I’ll plant them in the ground and replant them every year if I have to.