When Chad left to go to Louisiana, he asked if there was anything I wanted him to bring me. YES! Heavenly Hash eggs. These are made by Elmer’s, the same folks who make the Gold Brick eggs I love. He asked how many I wanted and I told him three. I meant . . three eggs. This is what he brought back!

I said “Thank you but I only wanted three eggs!” He said he didn’t see them sold individually. I guess I’ve been gone from Louisiana so long that everything has changed. Nicole also brought back three six packs for herself so I got to keep all three packages.
We took one egg out and cut it into fourths and we all had a piece. That’s why one’s missing in the picture, except now . . there are two missing! 🙂
I need to hide eggs . . from mysel! Some of these will definitely go into the freezer and some will be shared with friends, but the truth is, I’ll eat most of them and then I’ll need to go on a serious diet.
Andrea in MO says
Heavenly Hash eggs are a favorite childhood memory. My great aunt used to get a large one from a local chocolate company. As a kid I thought it was as big as my head, but now I’m not so sure it was *that* big.
Christina Coats says
Ooh they sound yummy. Not available in the UK boohoo xx
Susan Nixon says
Except for you, I’ve never heard of them, so thankfully, I don’t crave them. LOL