First .. the shawl! I finally got a picture this morning that accurately shows the color of the shawl I finished last night!

Second, I figured on election day, what better day to wear my red, white and blue socks.

The pattern is Undulance and I love making these types of patterns things that are a bit innovative and challenging. The yarn is very old and discontinued. Even though I made these socks in 2019, in about 2008 I made a pair of socks for a friend, loved the yarn so much that I ordered several more skeins of it so I think I still have one skein left.
Third, this is the project I’m starting back on to try to get finished before the test knit yarn arrives.

Also, I think this is probably an accurate color for the carpet in the upstairs family room, which may be the same carpet as the downstairs family room. I don’t even know. Crazy!
Fourth and finally, Vince has monthly or quarterly calls with our financial guy. If I’m there, I have to sit in on them and that gives me an extreme tummy ache. All I want to know is “How much can I spend on yarn this month?” 🙂 Vince does an amazing job of managing everything and I really don’t even want to know the details. Don’t tell me I should know because we have the guy who does it all and if something happened to Vince, I’d just call him and he’d take care of everything or me . . or that’s how I think it will work and if not, I don’t want to know. Anyway, Vince called me after the call to tell me all the stuff he thought I should know. During the course of the conversation, Vince just casually said “I told him that probably next year, we’ll buy a car so he needs to have that in his plans.” Did my husband just say “we’ll buy a car?” I kinda gasped then said to myself . . just let it pass. Don’t say anything. Act like buying a new car every 15 or so years is normal! So . . I didn’t say anything. Knowing Vince, he’s thinking about that pickup he thought Chad was going to get for him at an auction for $3,000.
Vince always told me that he would not buy a new vehicle until we had a garage. All we had in TX was a carport and you know feral cats had all night parties on top of our vehicles so I don’t blame him and, it sounds like he’s planning to do what he said he would do . . buy a car when we get a garage, though I doubt he does it til the house in Texas sell and since it isn’t for sale yet . . this sounds like the Vince and Judy version of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie!”
Elle says
I’m with Vince. I do our $ and always have. Hubster does “attend” our quarterly meetings.
I hear ya. It is hard and shocking to buy a new car. I drove my prior for 17 years. And be prepared, the finance guy will say “You’re making more $ on your investments than that interest rate so please please please finance the car”. That was hard too! Hubster did tell finance guy he will be shocked if I don’t pay it off early though 😉 They both laughed!
Judy Laquidara says
You would have to know Vince to understand that even if the interest rate is zero, he will not be financing anything.
Nancy Hager says
When my husband and I got married 50 years ago I discovered that he had no money sense. He was in college and I was working. I got paid once a month. When he had control of the money it was all gone before the end of the first week and sometimes not all the bills were paid. I took over the finances. I have done it ever since. So I am the one saying no new car right now. We got a new one two years ago for him to drive because he picks up the grandkids after school. I retired 3 years ago and my 20 year old car is not driven much. It happens to be a stick shift and since I broke my right arm badly in May and ended up with a reverse shoulder I have some difficulty driving it. I am getting better but haven’t driven much in the last year anyway so can’t see replacing it at the moment. It is the car that all the grandkids want to drive to learn to drive a stick. I am the only one that still has one in the family.
My husband just wants his allowance every week and he is happy. He doesn’t want to know the details. I have been training our daughter in our finances just in case something should happen to me. Before I went into surgery I had given her all my passwords and written instructions on all bills and what to pay when. I decided to do that just in case as I recently sat with a new widow as we tried to figure out the finances after her husband passed away, they had never had a conversation about the bills and finances. Luckily he had left a list of passwords. During the pandemic I have helped her monthly from afar to keep her on track but she hardly needs me an more as she is becoming very self sufficient.
Judy Laquidara says
I could do it if I had to and did my own finances when I was a single mom and that’s when money was tight and I had to account for every penny or I’d run short. I’m thankful Vince does it all and I don’t even have to question what he’s doing.
Nelle Coursey says
How funny! You do need at least one good, new car and it will be time by next year! I love my Jeep Cherokee Limited. It is about the size of your SUV you have now. Mine is a 2016 and we have not had hardly any trouble except when we first got it and there was a manufacture mistake that they took care of. I don’t know about the dealerships there, but I do know Stanley’s in Brownwood is great to trade with. And right now good used cars are selling for a premium!
Judy Laquidara says
Our Highlander is probably more reliable than most new cars. We’ll only buy Honda or Toyota. Mine is a 2007 and has never been in the shop for anything other than maintenance – the timing chain. Vince will probably buy a Toyota pickup for our new “car” but I’m sure he’ll keep his old Honda. He loves that car. Supposedly, the 2007 Highlander is one of the best ever made so I know he won’t get rid of that either. He’s funny about his cars! Living in MO, there won’t be any more long road trips – just the occasional 45 minute drive to Chad’s.