Every time I go to Walmart, which seems to be at least once a day, I see this tree:

It’s at the back of a Sonic right next to Walmart. Isn’t it beautiful? The trees are so pretty here this year. It got really dry just they began to change colors but other than that, it was pretty wet here all through the summer and I think the trees are happy, though none of them have actually told me that! 🙂
Valerie Zagami says
That is a very lovely tree. Here in Massachusetts we did not get as many like that due to weather – early cold, rain and snow. I had 3 trees like that in view this year.
PattiLynn says
Joyce says
Gorgeous! I took a picture of a couple of trees at the back of the parking lot when I got to work this morning. The sun shining on them just made them glow. Of course my photo didn’t really capture the real beauty of them. They are pretty right now, but I hate the raking/blowing leaves part of the season which I started on in my yard on Sunday. I’m still kind of sore…
Terri says
October Glory maples are my favorite.
Nelle Coursey says
I love this tree also! Ours are going from green to brown! I like it when you can see the changes in the colors.
Rebecca says
That’s a beaut, all right! Nothing like that in Texas.
My husband grew up in Michigan and lived for a while in Texas (Austin). He said he laughed at “fall color tours” there.