I’ve shared most everything about the inside of the house. Last night a friend who lives on a good bit of land sent me a picture of her sunset overlooking the hills. I don’t have that type view but what I have isn’t bad.
We all have different wants and needs. I grew up in southwest Louisiana where I’d about bet the farm that it rained every day when I was growing up. It didn’t really but it sure seemed like it did. When I was a kid, I wanted to play outside every minute I could and mom often wouldn’t let us out in the rain. In high school and college, I had long, naturally curly hair and it frizzed up horribly in the rain. Really, it was the humidity and rain or not, we always had high humidity. I always thought I’d like living where it didn’t rain every day but Texas was the far extreme. Some areas around our place there got rain yesterday but according to my rain info, we didn’t. It’s about 2-1/2 months since we’ve seen a drop of rain there. When we left, the grass was totally dead and crunchy. You can imagine the dust, and worse – the fire danger.
This seems to have been a rainy summer here in southwest MO. We lived through at bone dry summer here one year but we’ve had a good bit of rain and everything is green.
I almost cry (for joy) when I take Rita out. She loves the grass. She rolls around in it and scratches her back in it. If she’s ever been around nice, green grass, I doubt she remembers it. Since she’s been with us, she’s never had nice grass.

First is a crape myrtle blooming at the bottom of the stairs to the deck. So little blooms at our place in Texas but that could be our own fault – we’ve not tried very hard to grow blooming plants.

This is our magnolia and it’s thriving. Vince said the one at home died. I’m not sad. I kinda felt like we prolonged the end . . trying to keep it alive and it was probably suffering.

This is a rose bush on the side of the deck where I saw the snake.

Green grass. I love green grass! I kinda feel like Rita – maybe I should go out and roll around in it. That would be sight, huh?
Obviously, we’re paying someone to maintain the yard. I hope Vince sees the value in continuing to do that because I’m kinda hoping my weed pulling days are over.

I think I was told that across the street once was an old dairy farm and I believe that may be part of an old barn. The horse trailer has probably been sitting there unused for lots of years. The stories that building could probably tell!
This place isn’t 45 acres in the middle of nowhere, Texas but I think it’s exactly what we need at this time in our lives. I love it, but you already knew that! 🙂
montanaclarks says
I am so happy for you Judy! I wish I could convince Michael to move closer to a community of some sort–we live so remote on both ends of the country!
Dottie Newkirk says
Happy for y’all!!
vivoaks says
Your enthusiasm is contagious! I can hear your excitement when I read your blog! 🙂 Definitely happy for you! (And only a little jealous….) We live in the woods, even though we have neighbors that live up closer to the road than we do, but it’s still nice to look out the windows and see deer, turkey and piliated woodpeckers! 🙂
Elle says
Beautiful gardens you’re inheriting! Much deserved after the Texas desert battle you’ve been enduring 🙂 So sweet that Rita is loving it!
Judy H says
It’s beautiful! I bet Cat would love it there, too! (Hint-Hint)
Judy Laquidara says
We’re in a subdivision and I don’t think anyone would like having a feral cat introduced to the neighborhood, plus, there’s a fairly busy street next to us and I don’t think she would last long here.
Teri says
It’s beautiful. Looks like a park; you deserve it!
Laura says
So pretty. I love all the trees.
Rebecca in SoCal says
I always enjoy the green when I go to St. Louis. Once, flying home (in the summertime), I actually felt unhappy when I saw the familiar brown hills.
I love that Rita is getting such pleasure from the grass. No grass burrs!
I just saw pictures of a garden someone is leaving behind. She put a lot of work into transforming her bare yard, but has to move now. She hopes a (younger) gardener moves in. Showing all your yard, I was thinking that it looks like more than I could handle, but I know you can keep it looking good.
Judy Laquidara says
Right now we’ve hired someone to tend to the yard. Vince said it’s til we get moved in but I’m hoping he will continue to get someone else to do it.
Elaine/MuddlingThrough says
Isn’t it so good of our heavenly Father to give us what we need at different times in our lives!
Nelle Coursey says
I love these pictures and I hope you still want the paperwhites. I bet they would live outside there just like they do here. That is how I know for sure it is Spring!! We got one inch of rain last night. It was so hot and then the cold rain came and the glass top in my outside table shattered in to a million pieces! Kind of like a car window does except this one was not the safety glass and it fell straight down! We did have high winds last night but I do believe it was the hot weather (over 100) and then the cold rain that caused it to shatter. It did not break, but shattered!
Amy Frances Makson says
It is so beautiful!
Susan Nixon says
It is a beautiful place, that’s for sure.
Ranch Wife says
I’m SO excited for ya’ll! it truly sounds and looks like the perfect spot for both of you to build new memories. Hearing that Rita takes such joy in rolling in the grass just makes my heart happy. And yes, you should roll in it too – we can learn a lot from our dogs. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!