Some days I feel like my life is a fairy tale or . . a nightmare! 🙂 The things that happen are sometimes just weird.
This morning, our little alarm clock, aka Rita, didn’t wake us up til a little after 6. I was going to get up with her but Vince said he was fixing to get up so I was trying to decide if I was going to get up or go back to sleep and I started thinking about breakfast and the cat head biscuits my friend, Blake, in Louisiana makes. I’ve asked him for the recipe and he always tells me he’ll write it down but he never has. I thought . . I’m going to write Blake and ask him if he will PLEASE give me his biscuit recipe NOW. Then I heard Vince fixing breakfast in the kitchen so I knew making biscuits wasn’t going to happen. I got up, went in the kitchen and helped with breakfast.
Vince opened a new container of whipping cream and it was weird. It was almost like whipped cream. I thought maybe it had a rough trip to Texas and got whipped up while still in the carton or maybe it had frozen if it was near the back of our shop fridge . . that freezes everything that ends up near the back of it.
I tasted it and it tasted fine so I told Vince I’d just make butter so . . I made homemade butter with the weird cream. Making the butter, I kept thinking about those biscuits. Hot biscuits and homemade butter. Yum. I needed that!

After breakfast and making butter, I looked at Facebook and Blake had posted the recipe! It was in a video but basically, he uses Pioneer Biscuit Mix, 1 cup sour cream, 1/3 cup Half & Half.
Well, that wasn’t going to work for me because I don’t have any biscuit mix, nor did I have sour cream and who knows when I will go back to the grocery store. Also, I was fixing Chicken Marsala for lunch and figured biscuits wasn’t the best bread to serve with Italian food. I kept thinking about those biscuits so I asked Vince if he cared if we had biscuits with the Chicken Marsala and, of course, he didn’t care.
I used flour, baking powder, salt and a bit of sugar, along with butter to make the flour part of the biscuits. I used yogurt in place of sour cream and the buttermilk from having made the butter instead of Half & Half and the biscuits turned out perfect!

Actually the recipe says to put them under the broiler for 2 minutes. About the time it was time to take them out, the Fed Ex guy drove up so I ran out to meet him, chatted a bit too long so the tops of the biscuits got browner than I would have preferred but darn . .they were so good.

The chicken marsala turned out good too!

I served the marsala over this weird pasta. Aldi,of course.

There was some steamed broccoli . . at least something was halfway healthy.
Bobby says
Those biscuits look so good.
Judy Laquidara says
They were so good. I am going to get some Pioneer biscuit mix and try Blake’s recipe exactly like he makes them.
Susan says
Sounds like a wonderful meal, and how convenient to get the recipe you wanted, even if you didn’t have all the ingredients. Doesn’t Pioneer Woman have a recipe for her mix? Or do you have to buy that like Bisquick or Jiffy Mix?
Judy Laquidara says
I don’t know. I’ve made mixes often but usually have to put shortening in them and I don’t have that here either. 🙁
Nelle Coursey says
Everything looks so good!
Rebecca in SoCal says
I looked up cat head biscuits, and saw they usually use a low-protein flour, different from our usual all-purpose flour. Did you have some of that? I must say, you are very adaptive in your recipes!
That pasta looks great for holding sauce in it. Yum.
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, the pasta was super for holding the sauce in all the little ridges. I bought more of it yesterday. Liked it a lot.
As far as the biscuits, I used to keep White Lily flour for making biscuits but now that we don’t have them very often, I just used all purpose flour. I can’t tell any difference whether I use a low protein or regular flour though but I don’t seem to have very discerning taste buds.