I’ll answer the questions asked about the cheese melter.
The melter’s claim to fame is provolone cheese, which is supposedly melted, then mixed with herbs. We just use any kinds of cheese and we’re able to get really interesting varieties at Aldi.

Last night we used Truffle/Cheddar, Garden Vegetable Cheddar with powdered basil around the edges, and a Cheddar/Parmesan mix.
I love – totally love – the truffle but I’m head over heels in love with truffle anything. The veggie/basil is excellent. The cheddar/parmesan tasted like parmesan but it was more crumbly.

I just chunk it up and put it in the little wells. If I recall correctly, the instructions say to bake it at 325 but I usually bake at 350 because the oven defaults to that temp and I just leave it set there.

Bake til the cheese melts. Remove from oven and let it sit for a few minutes til it cools a bit. We take a toothpick and kinda wrap it around the cheese; the cheese balls up on the toothpick and we eat it with either celery, apple slices or crackers – whatever we feel like eating it with.
You can see that the cheddar/parmesan kinda puffed up and then fell but what’s on the edge of the pan just rolled up with the toothpick.
I told Vince I was thinking of ordering another one and he said “Order two in case one breaks”. I think I will! 🙂
patti says
is it silicone, ceramic, or something else?
Laura H. says