This past week as I was working on UFOs that I brought with me to MO, maybe I was tired or maybe I was just making good decisions but I ripped back two of the projects.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like this scarf but I didn’t love it and hadn’t done that much on it. I was using Dream in Color Smooshy and the color is Shiny Moss. I have four skeins so that’s enough to make a sweater so I wasn’t crazy about using two or two and one-half skeins of it. The pattern is Architexture and it’s a pretty pattern but just doesn’t thrill me any more.

So, it’s officially ripped and forgotten about.
The next project I ripped was a pair of Passport Mitts. I love the pattern. I’ve made it several times but this is Madelinetosh Work Sock yarn and I’m not sure I can get that any more so I want to use it for something special. So . . I ripped this one back too.

Here’s the evidence it’s all ripped back and ready to use for something else.

I find it very freeing to make decisions that I feel are good ones, put a few projects behind me and move on to the next one. That’s two I’ve ripped back and one I’ve finished so far this year! And, I’ve started nothing new so I think I’m doing great.
Judy H says
That’s funny, because last night I pulled out a UFO with the intention of starting it again. But I looked at it and realized I just didn’t want to make it anymore. I love the yarn and I don’t know what else I”ll do with it, but I set it aside instead of working on the project. I’m taking it off my list. If I feel inspired to pick it up again later, that’s fine – but more than likely I’ll use the yarn for something else. I even thought of emailing you about it! LOL
Nelle Coursey says
I think you are on a roll! You will get all this done!
Susan Nixon says
Well, that’s one way to get them off the UFO list! If only it were so easy with quilt blocks! LOL