There was some yarn that arrived while I was away. This is it. There’s nothing else that’s been ordered. I haven’t really been tempted but having a 7 year old to keep me busy and then 11 hours in the car . . when would I think about buying yarn?
I had one last fairly large order from Madelinetosh that I thought I had cancelled but for some reason, the cancellation didn’t go through so that yarn showed up. I’m glad the cancellation didn’t go through because I debated about whether to do it or not and decided to do it, sent the email and then kinda wished I hadn’t but for whatever reason, it didn’t get cancelled.
Even though there’s probably more yarn (and fabric) in this house than I’ll ever use, I’ll never feel bad about my yarn or fabric purchases. Here’s an example of some prices:
In 2016, I bought Madelinetosh DK Twist for $17/skein. During the crazy Madtosh sale, I got it for $6.90/skein. The new price is $25/skein. From 2016 to 2020, that yarn has gone up almost 50%. I think I’ve invested well! 🙂
This is what was in that last sale order: (Not all skeins are shown)
Sport – Optic – 6 skeins:

Sport – Pink Tree Smoke Mist – 8 skeins:

Sport – Pavement – 8 skeins:

My guess is that 8 skeins is more than I’ll need for most projects but 6 skeins may not be enough so I can add either Pavement or Pink Mist Smoke Tree leftovers to have enough to make a sweater with the Optic.
Twist Light – Rose – 5 skeins:

Tosh Merino Light – Tart – 2 skeins:

One last Madelinetosh order of DK Twist in Phantasm (10 skeins) in which I used reward points. I know there are only 4 skeins in the photo. They had 6 in one bag and 4 in the other and I only opened one bag:

Miss Babs had her annual “Gratitude” sale and I wasn’t going to buy anything but at the last minute, I knew I’d feel bad for not getting more Yowza since I really like it and only have enough for a couple of projects.
I ended up ordering three colors, three skeins each:

Cape Shoveler:


A very nice blog reader had bought yarn and it wasn’t the right weight and she didn’t want it so she sent it to me. I wasn’t expecting it so it was a very pleasant surprise. UPS drove up last night after I got home, Vince was waiting for a package so he went out to meet the driver. He came in and said “It’s for you!” I opened it and found yarn. He was saying “You said NO more yarn!” I said “I really didn’t order this yarn. I’m not sure why I got this!” He wasn’t falling for that so, thank you very much “generous and kind blog reader” for the card. I read it to Vince and then handed it to him to prove I really had not ordered the yarn.
It’s Malabrigo Arroyo in English Rose and Arco Iris.

Making Addie’s teacher’s Christmas gift was the first time I think I’ve used Arroyo and I really liked it so I’m already planning a project for me with this yarn. I have loved English Rose forever! It’s what I used in the zippered hoodie I made early last year but that is worsted weight.
All this yarn is entered on my spreadsheet and already in the numbered tub in the sewing room.
Teri says
Those are all so pretty! What a great investment too!
Nelle Coursey says
Those are all beautiful!
Susan Nixon says
Beautiful colors everywhere! The gifted yarn fits right in with the things you like. =) What a nice thing for her to do. A lovely ending to the 2019 buying, excellent sale prices, and plenty to shop around in when you want to make something. Are the new Madeline Tosh colors significantly different from the old ones? I’m trying to figure out why they would clean out the storeroom, so to speak, and then go right back to making more, when everyone just got a surfeit at 1/4 of the price. I know (or think, anyway) you said it changed hands, but still. It would have to be all new colors, I would think!