One of Chad’s friend’s parents bought the house across the street from Chad and they’re moving in this weekend. We had looked at the house and the location would have been perfect but the house wasn’t so we didn’t get it but I thought . . Addie and I can make Lasagna or something like that and take over to them next week. I was telling Addie about. She and I made “bath jellies” this morning.

They’re in the fridge setting now. Addie wants to give them one of her bath jellies! That’s exactly what I’m wanting her to see . . it’s nice to give to others. I was think she’s so sweet . . just the perfect child! Then she thought of sharing some of her LOL doll stickers if they had a daughter.
Addie: Do they have a daughter?
Me: Yes, but I think she’s older.
Addie: I could give her an LOL doll sticker!
Me: No, their daughter is older – like mommy & daddy’s ages.
Addie: So . . the people moving in are old?
Me: Not that old but they do have grown children.
Addie: Are they as old as you?
Me: I don’t know . . probably not quite as old as I am.
Addie: I wonder why they didn’t just move to the old folks home!
Me: Do you think I’m old enough to go to the old folks home?
Addie: Pretty close!
OK . . maybe she’s not so smart or sweet! 🙂
Jen says
Oh funny. My daughter asked me if I was alive in the 1800s. ?
Vicky in Bama says
Laughing. Gotta love her.
Toni Macomb says
Fun communication! Thanks for sharing! LOL!
Nelle Coursey says
I am still laughing at this one!! At least you and I have enough yarn and craft supplies to have something to do every day we are at the “home”!!! Kids are so funny. But a little too honest! LOL
cassews says
Remember Art Linkletter’s show: Kids say the darndest things? Well there ya go … Used to love that show so honest and sweet of the kids .. Brutally truthful but sweet at the same time.
My Granddaughters were here this weekend and they were oohing and awwing over my rocks that I have out in the Swear Room and my grandson in law was admiring some coporaltie (dino poop that was given to me) so I gave it to him. He said he was gonna tell all his friends I gave him a rashing of poop. Hehehehehehe Well umm maybe so ….
Bon says
Addie is so funny sometimes.
Susan Nixon says
LOL, you should take her there to visit so she knows what an old folks home is! She doesn’t really have a basis for judging except a place where old folks all live together. =)
Twyla says
Gotta love their honesty. My daughter when about 8 came home from school and we were discussing our day. She said that talked about their parents that day. Ohhh? She said she told teacher my mommy works for a doctor and she is beautiful. I thanked her for the compliment. Then she says I told teacher you were real old because you have gray hair. Thanks, again. Made for a good laugh even today.
Rebecca in SoCal says
I remember thinking my grandmother was really old. She probably had gray hair; all my siblings do (and early). My grandmother was probably close to the age I am now when I was Addie’s age, and I’m only just starting to accept my “senior” status. Ah, a child’s perspective can put you in your place.
I once read a report that many (most?) seniors think that “old” is ten years older than their current age. Pretty funny. I said that to someone in her eighties, though, and she said “I know I am old.”