A couple of weeks ago I mentioned an update to Knit Companion where we can “write” notes on the patterns we’ve imported into Knit Companion. Every day I love this new feature more.

Trying to avoid copyright violation but wanting to share how wonderful this new tool is . . in the pattern above I’ve marked directions where I need to pay special attention. That note to change to larger needles is one is miss sometimes when it’s buried in the text of a pattern.
Just when I thought Knit Companion could never get any better, they surprise me again.
When I wrote the last post about this new feature, there was a comment and a couple of emails about the program being hard to learn. It really is not. It’s very, very easy to learn. I recommend starting out with the basics and once you’ve mastered that, take it one step farther.
Yesterday when I was setting up a new pattern, I couldn’t remember how to do the repeats in my Smart Counters and had to go back and read the directions. There are aspects of the program that I use every day and I’m familiar with those features and never have to look up how to use them but some of the features that I don’t use often, I still have to look up and re-read the directions. There are aspects that I’ve never used and may never use but, for me, it’s the most useful knitting tool ever and I cannot imagine knitting without Knit Companion.
Nelle Coursey says
I have never tried this. I don’t have an I-pad or a smart phone so I guess I would have to get it for my laptop which is not a very good idea since it is so big. I do love knitting though!