Don’t answer that! But you can answer this: How hard is it to choose two skeins of yarn – one crimson and one gray? A crimson and gray that work nicely together? It shouldn’t be difficult, right? Am I making it harder than it is or is this just ridiculously hard?
When I set up the three options this morning, I really like Option #1 best because I’m just not into two fairly boring solids but the comment that struck me . . first graders think the colors are crimson and gray and first graders, really birth through grave . . those people eat, sleep and breathe crimson and gray and to a first grader, that mottled black/gray is NOT gray!
So, that left me with this option:

This is Malabrigo Arroyo. The red is Cereza and it’s a good crimsom/red. The gray is Pearl and it looks somewhat gray in the picture but in real life, it looks more tannish gray so . . what’s a girl to do but order more yarn!

This yarn is also Malabrigo Arroyo and, obviously, from Eat, Sleep, Knit.
I think this is the combination I’ll use but I won’t know til the yarn gets here. I can see me . . on Christmas Eve . . waiting for yarn to arrive so I can decide what I’m going to use for this project. No . . that cannot happen!
Arrowhead Gramma says
Sometimes we want a gift to be so perfect, but having too many choices makes a decision impossible. Good luck!.
Laura Deaver says
Let Addie decide!
Joyce says
I think you’re making it too hard. Addie’s teacher is going to like it no matter what. I promise she isn’t going to say, “I sure wish you had picked a different grey, because I don’t like that one.” Sometimes “good enough” is good enough.
Susan Nixon says
You’ve never shown a picture of something from the school that shows their school colors. I agree with Joyce, though, and having been a teacher, I wouldn’t care anything about the color. I’d just be happy someone actually made something for me, and it involved some thought. SOME thought. LOL
Nelle Coursey says
I like these colors and I am with those first graders, I would not think the black/gray is gray. I love these colors together!!
cassews says
Hmmm… to me they are very nice together … This is what I do – I put the colors together and I walk away then come back to the colors … Don’t know if that will help or not
Jean says
Just knit the darn thing!!?