Can you believe it’s time to plant garlic and onions?

Vince started tilling up the area today where we’ll plant the garlic and onions. We’ll plant the garlic probably week after next, then and probably wait another week or so before planting the onions.
There’s a good bit of nice looking dirt that was dug out of the hole for the internet tower so Vince is going to till some of that in with the dirt, along with a bit of composted chicken poop . . let that rest for for a week before planting the garlic.
We’ll be using some of the garlic we harvested from last year as seed garlic and we’ll hope for an excellent crop of garlic again next spring.
April Reeves says
I’ve never grown garlic but wanted to try it this year since my fiance loves it so much. So now I know I need to get it planted! Yay!
dezertsuz says
He looks so much healthier standing there this year!