The tower has been finished for weeks but the holdup has been getting power run to their pole.
This morning Vince was out doing some things and I hadn’t seen him for a while so I went out to check on him and I noticed the power company was down the driveway working on getting power hooked up to the pole for the internet tower.

Vince tells me that once the power is “installed on the tower” (whatever that means), it will be about two weeks before our new internet is hooked up.
I understand that life can go on without internet but since we stream our TV shows, have to use wifi calling for our cell phones to work, don’t have land lines and both of us are internet hogs, it will be so nice to have high speed internet. Even when we lived in the rental when we first moved here, the internet was awful, then here it’s been bad, worse, somewhat better. We’ve had Brady Communications for several years and it’s the best we could get but we were supposed to have 5 Mbps down and often it was something around 3. Uploading photos to the blog was near impossible unless Vince turned the TV of, got off the internet, we disconnected the iPads and other tablets from the internet.
It’s going to be so nice having 50 Mbps download. For those living in towns/cities, that probably seems slow but for those of us in rural areas, it sounds amazing! I am so ready for this to be working!
Sibyl says
I know you will be thrilled to have your higher speed internet. Up until about 1 1/2 years ago we were getting around 15-20 Mbps and I am smack right in the middle of Houston, so being in the city doesn’t mean you get high speeds. We were at the tail end of the line, and as I told them we got the left overs–now we have fiber–and get it lightening fast–at least for us—good luck in getting it set up.
Dianne says
YAY!!! We were so happy when we got high speed out to our place!! You are going to love it!! Yes, we can do without it but it sure is nice to have it!!
Rebecca says
You must be champing at the bit! I thought when the tower was installed, you were a lot closer than you apparently are.
Boy, whole-house cooperation to upload photos. Thank you for you dedication!
vivoaks says
When we got high-speed internet it was night and day! Now that you’re finally getting high-speed internet, how will that affect your choice to keep looking for a new place to live? Seems a shame to finally get what you’ve worked so hard for, then turn around and move…. I guess it would at least be a nice selling point for a buyer, huh? 🙂
dezertsuz says
It will be wonderful! I don’t think I have that much, but I don’t stream a lot, though I do use Roku – rarely any more, but still sometimes, like for church conferences on the BYU channel.