Good Morning! Who didn’t wake up thinking about garlic? Ok . . no one but me! I get it.
This is the post I did a couple of weeks ago when I received my garlic fermenting pot and started the first batch. I had previously used my fermenter for making black garlic but it takes forever so I was willing to spend the money on a pot specifically for fermenting garlic . . though it isn’t really “fermented”.
I set it for the max time – 12 days, but I fully expected it to need more time. Since I was leaving town, Vince and I went over how to check it when the timer stopped, and how to give it more time if needed. When it went off, he checked it and said it was ready. I kept saying “Is it really BLACK or just dark brown?” He assured me it was black .. and it was.

He put it all in a zipper bag and stuck it in the fridge. I didn’t even think about it when I got home Tuesday evening so yesterday, I got it out, tasted it and peeled it.

It is great! I am going to try it for 10 days next time. I can always give it more time. This isn’t dry but it isn’t as creamy as it was in the proofer. That also may be because it was in a zipped bag for a week after it was finished. No matter, I’m really happy with the results and will get another batch going today.
One thing that’s noteworthy – Since I had some really large bulbs on the top of the rack and only smaller bulbs would fit on the lower level, I didn’t know if the smaller bulbs would overcook. The small and large bulbs seemed to both be about the same quality and “doneness”.
I’m really happy with the fermenting pot.
Debi says
Hey Judy, glad you are home. How do you use the black garlic
Judy H says
I usually just eat it, LOL! It’s also good in salads and smeared on bread for sandwiches. I made a salad dressing with it once, and that was good, too.
Judy H says
OH, YAY!!! I’m so glad to know it’s a great purchase! I am definitely going to get one! YUM!! Thank you for sharing!!
Judy Laquidara says
I think you’ll be really happy with it. I loaded it back up this morning and was about to get almost 40 cloves of garlic on the racks.