We can all probably agree that I’m a bit (or more) obsessed with knitting. Most nights I go to bed reading about knitting, looking at patterns or watching knitting videos. Not long ago, and I think I mentioned it here, Denise sent me a link to a video about a very neat way to make buttonholes. She shared pictures of a sweater she finished using this technique for buttonholes.
Ever since seeing the video Denise shared with me, I couldn’t wait to make buttonholes and try the technique. Last night I was able to try those buttonholes and I am so happy with how they turned out.

They’re close to perfect and after having done them, I think I can make the next ones even closer to perfect.
I know I’ve mentioned it before but The Knitting Guild Association has so much info available to members, including articles and patterns that are published in their quarterly publication, all of which are available online and can be downloaded as individual pdfs. I believe the dues are $25 per year and it is so worth that price.
Don’t forget about youtube videos. I don’t think there’s anything you can’t find on youtube. When I’m not sure how to make a certain stitch or something isn’t making sense to me, I can almost always find clarification on youtube.
I’m so thankful to be living where there’s so much information at our fingertips. I do remember the days when I pulled out a World Book encyclopedia when I needed to find information. Yes, I waste too much time on the internet and yes, there are bad things that happen on the internet or because of the internet but it certainly can be an invaluable resource.
justquiltin says
Very excellent looking buttons indeed!
Laura says
I enjoy your knitting posts, and I hope you get back to quilting someday. 🙂
Ava says
It’s okay to be obsessed when you produce something and you produce a lot. I am working on a (free) pattern from Red Heart – Short Sleeve Foldover Flyaway. It’s a short sleeved long vest. It is mostly stockinette stitch so I’ve learned how to “mirror knit” or backwards knit so that I don’t have to purl every other row. Seems easier.
Nelle Coursey says
And believe me it really helps to watch the videos. Especially after someone keeps telling you “Watch the video”!! LOL Glad you both nagged me into doing it!! I did learn a lot!!
Betty Edwards says
Judy, I must tell you I was always interested in learning to knit. Several years back I found a booklet that I understood finally. And since I always enjoyed your quilting since I quilt, I began to read about your knitting and it is just urging me onward! Right now I am working on my first sweater but it’s crochet. I have a knitting kit for a sweater in the wings. I am building up my confidence! Lolo
So thanks for love to knit and share it all with us!
dezertsuz says
The internet is like most things in life. It can be used for good or ill, depending on the quality of the person doing the using. I think you use it well and responsibly, and I’m so glad you found this buttonhole method you are pleased with doing. It looks very good!