I left home this morning about 5:40. Here’s what a good sleeper I am: I set my phone alarm for 5 a.m. I woke up, looked at the time and it was 4:58. I said “Oh good . . I have 2 more minutes and I went back to sleep for 2 minutes and the alarm woke me up.

I thought it was pretty that the moon was reflecting of the car hood as I was leaving home in the dark.
From home to just before Oklahoma City is 5 hours and that’s halfway. I divide the trip up in my head and that’s what makes it bearable to drive 10 hours. I stop often. I think I took gas/bathroom breaks four times and each time I got gas, it was only about 5 gallons. Obviously, more need for the bathroom break than for the gasoline.
Once I start seeing “Joplin – xx miles”, I know I’m going to make it and I think those signs start just east of Tulsa. The first one says Joplin – 170 miles; then the next one is 150 miles and the miles slowly tick off til I arrive in Joplin and then I don’t have too far to go.

Seeing Nevada on the sign gets me really excited!
Addie had wanted me to pick her up at daycare so I got there about 3:30, then we went by their house, dropped off some things that needed to go from the cooler into the fridge. From there, we went to an open house. Addie and Nicole had already seen the house and Addie was determined I was going to buy it today and spend the night there tonight.
Here’s something funny .. or not! Addie asked me if I brought her anything. Vince calls me “Santa Granny”. I told her . . if I buy a house here, I’m not going to be able to keep buying you a lot of stuff. Would you rather spend more time with me or have me buy you more stuff? She wasn’t sure! I think she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to tell me she’d rather have the stuff than spend time with me so finally, she said “BOTH!” How’s that for politically correct. I told her if I had a house here, we could bake cookies and decorate them; we could make doll clothes, we could spin together and she could practice her knitting so she decided she wanted me to buy a house here . . today . . and spend the night in it tonight. I was kinda thinking the same thing but I believe Vince has a different idea.
Teri says
Glad you made it there safe and sound. Have a wonderful time and good luck finding the perfect home.
vivoaks says
My trip today was only about 5 hours, so I had it better than you. Tonight I’m in a hotel overlooking the Saginaw River in Bay City, Michigan. We’ll be back home in two days, but in between my hubby gets to do his thing and I can spend time in the hotel room sewing, or I can go out and walk around if I want. (Only if it stops raining…) Have fun!! (And I’ll be checking on Google to see where the closest quilt shop is!! 🙂 )
dezertsuz says
So Addie has plans for you. LOL Did you take her anything? =)
Ava says
I was driving the Texas / Oklahoma / Missouri road today too. I went to my sister’s in McKinney – only 6 1/2 hours for a quick, short trip. I got to see my sister and brother-in-law and their grown kids and grand kids. Fun trip.
Joyce says
If only buying a house actually went that quickly! LOL