When I’m sitting in my chair knitting, I have a perfect view of the northwest sky and while I’m not seeing the actual sunset, I do get to see some pretty views of the sky as it changes colors.

I was knitting and glanced up and saw this. It’s surprising how quickly the colors change.

As hard as it is to find a house in the areas where we’re looking, I don’t ever mention to the realtor that I want a beautiful view from my knitting chair. I don’t want to look out and see other houses or rooftops, or a highway or busy street.
If our realtor knew all the things I’m looking for in a house, besides all the quirky things I’ve already told her, she’d probably tell me . . good luck . . go find another realtor. Or, she might say “Stay where you are. Seems like things are close to perfect there!” And they are . . except for that one little girl in Missouri! For Vince, things are close to perfect here, except for that crystal clear lake in Arkansas! 🙂
montanaclarks says
That is one of the things I missed most when moving from Arkansas to Dallas, Texas—crystal clear lakes!
dezertsuz says
I don’t suppose we’ll ever get everything on this side of the veil! You have to pick and choose, and you’ve chosen. =)
Nelle Coursey says
It will work out ok!
Twyla says
Don’t forget the harvest moon tonight.