There seems to be lots of progress going on around here –

After a delay, the internet tower is moving forward at a nice rate. The foundation was dug last week, the forms were erected and the tower has been mostly put together.

Doesn’t it look nice? It’s a very modern design. The construction crew has been great to work with. They want to make sure we are happy with each stage of the construction and they go out of their way to make things look good.

This is the start of a very nice relationship. And better . . we will have super high speed internet very soon. All the moaning and complaining about our internet that you’ve had to endure through the years . . soon to be history. We are looking so forward to being able to stream a movie for me, a documentary for Vince and check email at the same time, or upload a photo to the blog without having to try 5 times to get it to work. Help is on the way . . just in time for Vince’s beloved Clemson TIgers’ football games.
To say we are happy and excited about this is an understatement. Seriously, you all understand better than most what a hassle it has been not having dependable, fast internet and trying to do what we do via the internet.
A great supply of well water, the low cost electricity and now high speed internet out in the country . . I don’t see us leaving Texas any time soon!
Sandi B says
I’d say you’ll soon have all of your heart’s desires, with the exception of your peoples. Now, just to find you a small place in MO. Congratulations!
Deb says
Maybe you could start an export business selling “home grown” scorpions and grasshoppers. Then it would be even closer to perfect.
Linda in NE says
Is that tower going up on your property? I’ve heard that if you are too close to a tower you might not have the speed you expect. Sure hope that’s not the case there. Ours has improved in the past year or so, but it could still be better.
Judy Laquidara says
We had heard that too and asked but it isn’t necessarily true. While it is true that someone living near us may not get as good of service as they would hope, or maybe not even be able to get service because they could be right “under” the signal since it’s projected out for many miles, we’ve been assured that we will have the service we’re expecting. This company has put up many towers in rural areas and they seem to be first class so we feel really lucky to be dealing with them and helping to bring high speed internet to this rural area.
marcille irwin says
Vince’s beloved Clemson Tigers? I’m surprised that he is not a Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket fan.
Judy Laquidara says
Undergrad from Tech, Masters from Clemson and Tulane. Tech’s football team has been so weak that he’s almost quit watching. He loves Clemson’s coaching staff and their winning teams so if Tech is on, he’ll watch it. If Clemon is on, our life stops and we do what we have to do so he can watch it. Tulane . . he’s never really gotten into their sports.
Nelle Coursey says
Wonderful news! Go back to the idea of renting a cabin or a B & B when you go to Nevada! Do they have short time rentals there like they do here? The Morelock’s have those houses downtown that you can rent for up to 3 months or so??
dezertsuz says
Really, except for Addie, why would you ever want to leave your little bit of paradise? =) I’m excited to see it’s happening more quickly than we thought!