Yesterday I saw on Facebook a little boy swinging and a small frog landed on his arm and he was screaming bloody murder. My first thought was that Addie wouldn’t be bothered by that at all but as she gets older, she has gotten a little more squeamish about bugs. Yesterday we were going somewhere. She went to the passenger back door to get in as I walked around to the driver’s door. She began squealing and my first thought was a snake! I ran around there and it was a big mosquito looking thing on the door about 2 feet from the door handle. She could easily have gotten in without getting close to it but no . . I had to get rid of it.
So, that had me thinking maybe she was getting to be more of a fragile little thing. Last night Chad was cutting the grass and Nicole was weed eating . . trying to get the grass cut between rains and beat the red tag man. Addie walked in and said “Granny, want to see something gross?”

She had a slimy trail up her arm where the snail had been crawling. We had to get a container and I had to “put in what do snails eat” so we fixed him all up in a container.
Then she looked at me, frowned and said “Now I really do have to take a bath, don’t I?” She and Nicole had gone swimming at the Y and Addie was hoping that would count as her bath for the night. I said “YES! You are taking a bath tonight after handling that snail.”
Now she’s calling him “Snailie”.
Ruth says
Isn’t that fun? Those little antennae poking straight out, looking around for information about this smooth pink country he is creeping across. The big mosquito looking thing is probably a mosquito-hawk. The mosquito-hawk is good to have around!
Nelle Coursey says
How funny!
Susan says
Great photo! LOL, maybe she won’t pick them up if she knows it means a bath. =)