School ends for Addie this week. It’s so hard to believe kindergarten is almost over. It’s been such a great year! We could not have had a better kindergarten teacher.

Technology has changed everything since Chad was in kindergarten. The parents had the option of buying a CD of the year in pictures. I think it was $5 and it has dozens of pictures of each child doing their kindergarten activities throughout the year.
There were several songs as background music about kindergarten. The one at the end was about friendships made in kindergarten that will last a lifetime. It reminds me of several friends, especially my friend, Sarah. We met in first grade (no kindergarten back then) and we are still good friends.
By the time we were done watching the pictures, I was swiping away tears. I said “It seems like just yesterday we went to the first day of kindergarten!” Nicole said “Yes, and in no time, we’ll be attending her high school graduation!” Oh, no . . I did not need to hear that! They do grow up quickly and I’m thankful for every minute I get to spend with her and every memory we make.
Dotti says
Yes, the time will fly. My granddaughter graduates this year and while you are so excited for her and her future there is a bit of you that wishes you keep her protected from the world a bit longer. I am gathering pictures to make an album for her graduation. So many memories, so much to cherish. Keep making them with Addie , but you will probably be more diligent about organizing all the pictures.
Linda in NE says
Our two youngest grandchildren (twins) graduated from pre-school this morning. A short ceremony. They sang a few songs, got their certificates and watched video. So cute. The moms all brought goodies for a little snack afterward. Just very nice and now it’s on to kindergarten.
Susan says
The CD is a great idea for families, and a great fund raiser as well.
Nelle Coursey says
Nicole is right. It will seem like forever, yet it will seem like it was yesterday! Where I went to school, we had 14 in my graduating class and all but 3 of them were there from grade 1. One of them moved away for about 2 months, but I count him as being there all along. We are all still great friends. Like you, there was no kindergarten when I started to school! We had such good, kind teachers and that helped a lot also! Love them to this day, even though most of them have gone to their great reward!