I’ve been gone for a little over a week. I’m not sure what’s come over Vince! He’s always so picky about the roads we have to travel to get to town. I understand completely. Neither of us see well enough to drive at night. We’ve been totally spoiled by the roads in Texas and we know not many states, especially extremely rural areas, will have those kinds of roads.
I am so smitten by the area where we stayed in Arkansas. It’s way more rural than I had planned to be investigating for our next home but the people in that little community are just such a “community”. I told Vince .. it’s almost like we were in a movie and none of it was real because it was so surreal . . in a good way. Even Chad kept saying “These people are to nice!”
The people are nice . . the roads not so much!

We got there Friday evening. We were all tired. Chad was driving. I was in the back seat and my back seat driving skills are excellent . . just don’t ask the driver what he thought about it. Before we got to the cabin, I was about to give up and go find a hotel. The lady had told me that it seems much farther but it’s only 9 miles. Yes! Nine miles that takes 15 – 20 minutes to drive! Several crazy curves/sharp turns, lots of steep hills.

Lots of deer! They will stand there in the road and I was sure they were looking at us like . . I don’t recognize your vehicle. Why are you back here?
When I was telling Vince about all this, he said “That’s the kind of community/area where I’d like to live!” But, then he asked about fire protection. Huh? Just don’t have a fire! I told him “It’s probably as good as what we have now” which is pretty close to nothing. Then he asked about high speed internet. Who needs high speed internet? We have nature all around us. We haven’t quite decided that we can live without high speed internet but he hasn’t seen the place yet.
Then I was telling him about the roads and he said “We’ll get a sturdier vehicle and put a cattle guard on the front.” What did he just say? Have I not asked for a pickup and a cattle guard ever since we moved to Texas?
The truth is . . he’s probably agreeing with everything I say just to get me to come home! 🙂
When I left Texas, we were talking about when we might go back to Arkansas and he said something like “We’ll get there. I don’t know that we can go back right away.” This morning when I talked to him, he already had the route planned, had a hotel for us to stay in on the way and seems ready to go minute I get back home. I’m not so sure about that. Remember last time I got home, we left within a couple of days to go somewhere else.
We’ll see how this goes . . he may go there and not be nearly as enamored with the place as I am; or, he may feel exactly like I feel and our plans to stay in Texas a couple more years will be out the window.
Dianne says
It’s a beautiful area over there!!
Judy Laquidara says
It is! I kept saying I didn’t want to leave Texas til I was sure I wouldn’t be sorry we had given up so much of what we had worked hard to create but after spending time in Mountain Home, I would move there tomorrow and never look back. We’ll have to wait and see what Vince thinks.
Donna Williams says
It is beautiful over there. I’m in Fayetteville, we came home 3.5 years ago to be closer to the grands and we just missed it. Nice people, beautiful scenery. Anything you might want is not too far away and makes for a nice ride.
I’m sure wherever you end up will be just the perfect place for you and Vince.
dezertsuz says
One important thing is that you like the people. The new Vince might make friends! =)
Judy Laquidara says
That’s so true. Living in a close knit community might be fun for me and torture for Vince. We’ll see what he thinks about it all when we go back to visit.
Jen says
My great aunt and uncle lived outside of Hardy in their later years. I believe they had built a new home in Mountain Home in the 80s. That area is gorgeous!
Erlene says
Judy, thats the one place I have always wanted to spend my last days…..I visit, but I would like to live there….
CJ Tinkle says
If you liked Mountain Home, did you visit Mountain View, just south of it? Crafter heaven!