There’s a deli over in Fort Scott, KS, which is about 20 miles from Chad’s house . . maybe 15 miles. Earlier this week, Chad and I decided to run over to Marsha’s for sandwiches. On the way, we passed a little restaurant called “Aunt Toadies”. In all the years we (and they) lived here, none of us had ever eaten at Aunt Toadies and the place is packed no matter what time of day you go by there.
When we passed it, I said “Have you ever eaten at Aunt Toadies?” Chad said “No, but the place is always packed.” I said “We should try it some time.” So, he turned in and we had lunch there. It was delicious . . so much so that we went back that night for pie for dessert. No, it wasn’t keto pie but it was delicious.
Yesterday Chad and I were thinking about where we wanted to eat and he said “Want to go to Marsha’s?” so we went back over there.

As always, the sandwiches were great! They give you so much meat on those sandwiches! I didn’t eat the bread but I did eat my black truffle chips!
Chad starts a new job next week so I won’t get to spend as much time with him as I did this past week. I’ll miss him! I’m so glad I was here for a whole week while he was off.
Donna says
Is Chad’s job still with Walmart?
Dar in NC says
That looks delicious!! New job for Chad? Not WalMart anymore?
dezertsuz says
That does look good. I have no idea what black truffle chips are, but I think they must be something you like to eat them when you didn’t eat the bread. =)
Marilyn Smith says
Judy, been worried about you all but glad you are in the cabin. Hope it has only been terrible lightening storms and no tornadoes. Forrlowoing the weather. Much better being indoors rather than out in the rain in tents. Been there, done that. We loved to tent camp, later had a a cab over camper and now I love camping in a cabin. We both do. We have camped all over this country but now in our 70’s and 80’s, a cabin or hotel gives us the comfort we need. I could no longer get off the floor from an air mattress. Knees just won’t do it. Enjoy your time. Hope to hear about Chad’s new job! Good for him!
DonnainKS says
I could meet someone in Ft Scott for lunch! Good to read the news. I hope weather has not been bad where you are. It had been forecast here but nothing so far.
Nelle Coursey says
Is he still with WalMart??