A friend posted this picture on Facebook:

The date on the picture said 1968, which is weird because my friend and I would have been 14 years old and I think we look older.
I asked Nicole “Do you know which one is me?” She wasn’t sure but she said “I’m guessing the one with the attitude. The one in the middle!” Yep . . Judy with the attitude.
We were camping . . in tents. It’s my friend’s mom and two other teachers. My friend’s mom is standing behind me. My mom and her mom taught together for years. The lady behind my friend taught at the elementary school with our moms. The lady next to me taught high school (home economics).
Those were fun times, fun memories. I don’t want to be 14 again . . or maybe I do, but I’d definitely like to be that thin and have the thick, darker hair!
DonnainKS says
Yeah, who wouldn’t? !! ? Actually, my grandchildren find it hard to believe I had nearly black hair! There are a few other memories of that age that I could go back to if one thing could be changed. I would still have one girlfriend in my life. Huge regret.
Nelle Coursey says
Love the picture11
dezertsuz says
What a great picture! Yes, I’m with you. I don’t want to BE younger, I just want the body and everything else I had when I WAS younger. LOL