Addie couldn’t wait to get packed for our weekend trip. She wanted to get her suitcase packed last night before she went to bed.

This morning we had to add Curious George, her toothbrush and hair brush. She is ready to go. No one else in the house seems to be ready .. but Addie is excited about the trip. It’s going to be a long day at school for her.
Liz says
Check out “Hershey’s s’mores caddy” on the internet. Target is selling a toolbox that will hold a bag od marshmallows, with a tray to hold the bars and crackers. It looks like a tackle or a tool box. You have to have s’mores while camping!
Have fun and stay dry!
Nelle Coursey says
That Is soo cute!!
dezertsuz says
I know this is going to be such a great experience for all of you!
Twyla Starr says
Even I at 65 remember adults lollygagging around at Christmas, going to my grandmother’s house, out to eat, etc. Glad to hear George likes to go camping.