Addie is such a girly girl, but yet such an outdoorsy girl. She had just as soon be fishing as playing with Barbies.
Nicole had posted this picture a week or so ago from when they had gone on some kind of nature walk at a local park.

She is not afraid to touch a caterpillar. She’s never lived in Texas! 🙂
I can’t remember if I posted about her getting gum in her hair at school. Not sure how it happened but she took it upon herself to cut the gum out. When she realized what she had done, she got terribly upset and had to go to the nurse’s office because she was so upset. The nurse explained to her that if it ever happened again, Addie should come see her because she has something to get the gum out.
Nicole had to get her hair cut to even it up and it ended up cutting out almost all of the fine, fly away, tangly mess of baby hair she still had. In this picture, her hair looks so much better than it did before it was cut.
Nicole has had Addie’s hair trimmed but has never really cut much off it and the hair was so fine and almost impossible to get the tangles out. Nicole buys shampoo and conditioners that are supposed to help, brushes and combs that are supposed to help but getting all that baby fine hair cut out has helped so much.
When we were there a couple of weeks ago, Addie and I were talking one night and I was playing with her hair and we had this conversation:
Me: Getting your hair cut made it look so much better.
Addie: I didn’t want to get my hair cut!
Me: Sometimes, things we don’t want to happen or things that make us sad turn out to be ok and later, we’re kinda happy with the end result.
Addie: But, Granny! I really didn’t want to get my hair cut!
She was about to cry so we stopped that conversation but her hair does look so much better now. I think it’s safe to say that she will never cut her own hair again. But . . you never know!
annie says
Oh, that was a sweet story! Have we seen a pic of her with the haircut?
Judy Laquidara says
The picture in the blog post is actually after her hair was cut.
Nelle Coursey says
Or she could end up like me and cut her hair forever. Until she wants it to be evened out by a professional. LOL I think all girls do this. Especially cutting their bangs!
cindy says
the almost twelve year old here cut hers a few months ago. got slime in it and didn’t ask for help. the kindergartener here has cut hers. the three year old has cut hers. and I expect them to do it again, even the big one.
dezertsuz says
I’d want her to have real shoes on to walk in nature. There are still things out there that you don’t want to bite you, even if she’s not in Texas. =) That’s an adorable picture, though! I don’t think I ever cut my own hair as a child, but I have as an adult, and Paul did it for me, too. =)
Twyla Starr says
Thanks, Judy, for the news. I have been trying to get my grandson to get the 4 yr old great-granddaughter’s hair cut forever. It is tangled mess and in her eyes all the time. I have clippies for when she visits me. And I never try to brush it. So I copied your article. I doubt it helps my advice to them but at least they will see that another grandmother’s wisdom is to cut baby fine wispy hair.
Betty Edwards says
If you will comb her hair during the rinsing it will comb easier! I did my very long hair while in the shower with water running through it! All I know is it works!