You may remember the unicorn sweater I started making for Addie last winter.

The front is finished as far as the knitting goes. The unicorn still has to be “decorated” but I have to make the back and the sleeves, then sew it all together.

I have a good bit more than this done on the back but this is the picture from the blog from December.
I’m not bringing this project to Missouri but when I get back, I am going to start working on it again. I didn’t rush to finish it because I knew it was going to be too big for her this past winter. It will probably be too big for her this coming winter but I don’t know how long she’s going to be in love with unicorns so I’m going to finish it and give it to her in time for winter.
Here’s the crazy thing: When I was trying to take videos with my iPad, I had to delete a bunch of apps to make more room. This is a Vogue Knitting pattern and it didn’t come through Ravelry so the pattern was on the iPad. I deleted the Vogue Knitting app, and the pattern, without even thinking about it. A couple of weeks ago, just as I was about to fall asleep, it hit me . . I lost that darned unicorn pattern when I deleted the app. I figured I could re-install the app and restore the pattern but the worst that could happen was I’d have to buy the pattern again so I didn’t lose any sleep over it.
This evening, while sitting here trying to decide what to do next, I re-installed the app and got the question “Do you want to restore your purchases?” YES! Done. I need to get that project finished because now, in the back of my mind, I’m going to be concerned about losing the pattern. I just emailed it to myself so I’ll have another copy of it . . but still, I want to get it finished.
dezertsuz says
And it was started before the other one you are planning/knitting – a cardigan, I think? Orangey-pink?
Nelle Coursey says
I have done that before with things I wanted to keep. Silly me, thought I was the only one that did that!