I can’t tell you how nice it is to get back to our healthy eating. It was fun eating crawfish, and they weren’t bad for our diet but we ate Arby’s sandwiches, and Mexican food (beans, tortillas, chips) and once . . I shouldn’t admit this . . I ate donut sticks at McDonald’s. They were either delicious or I was so hungry for something sweet that I thought they were delicious.
But, we’re home and back to real life and real eating.

Last night we grilled steak and topped it with roasted garlic from the garden. We also had greens and asparagus from the garden and caprese salad with fresh basil and tomatoes from the garden.
Tonight we had tuna salad with lettuce and tomatoes from the garden, cucumbers, avocado and olives.

We will always eat things we shouldn’t eat but consistently eating healthy foods really makes a difference in how we feel.
There’s always positive and negative news about keto. I still think we have to use our heads. Vince and I don’t eat a lot of extra fat. We haven’t had bacon in forever. We haven’t had a lot of eggs. We’re back on track! It’s really easy to get back on this way of eating when we notice such a difference in the way we feel in just a couple of days of being back on it.
Teri says
I was wondering if you felt sick after eating the carbs? Your bodies wouldn’t be used to it. Your steak dinner looks delish!
Judy Laquidara says
No, we didn’t feel sick. I was asking Vince if he could notice a difference having not had carbs in several days. He said he didn’t really notice a difference but I do. I feel more alert and more energetic. My knee began hurting within a day or two of eating carbs and it hasn’t stopped hurting yet.
Nelle Coursey says
Probably the short time you were off the diet did not hurt you. And sometimes you do have to go ahead and eat some of the stuff you are craving.
Judy Laquidara says
On the keto diet, it takes a few days to get your body into ketosis and any significant amount of carbs will knock you out of ketosis and you have to start over. We really spent probably 7 – 8 days out of ketosis so we are having to get back that state. While it did not “hurt” us, it certainly slowed down our forward progress. But, you’re right . . we ate foods we had been missing.
Helen B says
Judy, I am into the Keto lifestyle for 8 days now. I am amazed at how much my arthritis pain has diminished and truly, I’m having NO cravings. I love it. Only thing I’m having an issue with is lightheadedness and I found (from a group on Facebook) my body needs more electrolytes. I just love cooking (kinda like my grandma and mom cooked) with the delicious fats I have done without for so many years!
dezertsuz says
It looks healthy to me! =)