Ludisia is very easy to make! Once I had made a few rows, I had the pattern memorized. Being very easy and being very slow . . seems an oxymoron but with fingering weight yarn, most anything is pretty slow.
There are three sections and each section needs to be 28″ long. It’s very stretchy so trying to measure it in the car, I kept thinking I was really close but this morning, I spread it out on the bed and I still have about 4″ to go.

I think these are the other two colors I’m going to use.

There’s a closeup. There’s actually some lime-ish green in the darker blue and in the lighter blue. I may change my mind about the green by the time I get the lighter blue done. Maybe I’ll go with a very, very light blue and have it mostly three shades of blue.

This was an option I almost went with and still may . . a whole lot runs through my head while knitting 4 more inches.
This should not be the deciding factor but what I keep thinking is that I love the lighter blue and the lime green in the first option. The gold . . not so much . . it isn’t that I don’t like it but it doesn’t jump out and say “pick me”. I have another skein of it so I wouldn’t be using all I have in my stash. The green is leftover from my first Hitofude. I don’t mind the gold, green and blue together. I think I’m about to talk myself into this combination. See how easily I can be persuaded! 🙂
Even though this is called the Mother’s Day KAL at ESK, it isn’t due until May 24 so I have plenty of time to finish, but I have to stay with it. I will finish the first section today. I started it on the evening of May 3 so I need to count on probably four or five days per section. I had a lot of knitting time in the car and while at my uncle’s and every day life seems to take up more of my time when I’m at home.
Cilla says
I like the first option, lt blue and lime green. The orange does not scream “pick me” to me either. 3 shades of blues would also look good.
Teri says
I love the 1st option….the blue, light blue and lime green……
Nelle Coursey says
I like the first combination. But that is just me! I got the new Wings Shawl from Skeino for Mother’s Day! Can’t wait to start it!!
Cinda Moulds says
I would like to see you use the yarns in the first option .
ethelann wood says
1st option is great, the others don’t seem as cohesive to me and the green really pops it!!!
dezertsuz says
I like what’s in the first picture. I don’t like the other at all – too dark!