It’s out of the ground! A rare problem to have but we have had a lot of rain, even for spring, and it’s supposed to start raining again in the morning so we got out early and dug the rest of the garlic.

The ground was much wetter than we had preferred it to be when we dig the garlic so we left it outside to dry a little. This evening, we’ll cut the tops, rub a bit more dirt off it, and move it to the inside drying racks.

Having a garden is great for getting fresh produce, but oh, how I love seeing nature perform! Plant one little clove of garlic and get a big bulb, plus the tops, plus look at those massive roots. That amazes me.
Tonight we’re grilling steak. I will clean these up – cut off the roots and tops, peel away a few of the outer layers, drizzle them with olive oil and roast these two bulbs. We’ll squeeze the roasted cloves of garlic onto our steak.
Rebecca Muir MacKellar says
This reminds me of a garlic harvesting that happened over 30 years ago. We laid our garlic harvest out to dry a bit and our dog came along when we were not looking and ate every last bulb of garlic, peels and all. She looked innocent, but her breath gave her away. Don’t know why she did it, but she was a good dog otherwise. Pretty funny.
Nelle Coursey says
That’s a lot of garlic!! But it looks really good. So glad you got it out of the ground in time.
Susan says
Good to have it out – don’t suppose the rain can wash it for you, because then it will be TOO wet. You are set for garlic for a while!