The fourth color has been added.

As mentioned yesterday, this is the color that will bring me to the solid-ish purple for the final color. I’m so anxious to get this finished. As I’m working down the sweater, I’ll do the ribbing, then bind off. I might could get that much done today . . but probably not.
Then I’ll do the sleeves and then it will be time to work on the steeking. This will be my first steek and yes, I’m a bit nervous about it but, it’s just yarn, right?
Liz says
I bet you are glad to be back home – is everything ok with the storms coming through?
Did you take your weather underground station offline? I went to look for it during the last few days and it seems that they are not reporting a bunch of stations – yours and other stations. The station closest to me is also offline, but it could be a connection/mechanical issue since we had a bunch of rain over the last few days.
dezertsuz says
It is just yarn, right. I’m not nervous at all. You’ll steek just fine, as you have done everything else over the years. I’m sure you’ve studied the process plenty. I look forward to seeing today’s progress.
Nelle Coursey says
So glad you chose those colors. I love them!