After 10 hours on the road, i was looking forward to a hot shower, a bit of knitting time and going to bed early. Arrived to no electricity (all electric house).

The lights on the dock are solar. Otherwise. No hot water, no lights, no air conditioner. It’s super nice sitting on the porch, breeze blowing. Even Rita is out enjoying the breeze.
I believe I’m going to give it all up, open the windows and go to bed.
Teri says
Where are you? Hopefully you will have electricity and get a nice shower in the a.m. Safe travels to you and Rita!
Judy Laquidara says
The power came back on about 9:45 last night but I had already gone to bed so I didn’t bother to get up.
Rebecca in SoCal says
How disappointing.
Where is that lake/river?
dezertsuz says
Hopefully, it’s back tomorrow!
Judy Laquidara says
It was actually back on about 9:45 p.m. but I had already gone to bed. That trip from MO . . 10 hours in the car . . wears me out.
April Reeves says
Looks like ya in North Louisiana!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, I am! Even with the rain and storms, this is a beautiful, relaxing place to be.
Nelle Coursey says
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!