I wish something I show could convey how easy this diet is to follow.

Tonight we had leftover greens from last night. I found a bag of scallops in the freezer and I don’t like to keep them very long, even frozen, so I sauteed them in olive oil and butter, mixed a little low sugar (or no sugar – can’t remember) ketchup with horseradish for a sauce. We had brussel sprouts that I chopped, tossed with olive oil and cajun spices, put in the air fryer til they were a bit crispy, then crumbled goat cheese over them and drizzled them with balsamic. Vince had grilled chicken the other day so we had leftover chicken that I heated and melted Monterey Jack cheese over.
Simple . . and quick!
Bon says
The chicken sounded good. ?
dezertsuz says
You do seem to eat well. To someone not on that diet, it seems like very little food, but you keep saying you don’t get hungry, and that you don’t finish big meals, so it must be just what you need.