Meal planning these days means walking out to the garden to see what’s ready to be picked.

Today, dinner will again include asparagus, collard greens, garlic and scapes, along with leftover grilled chicken.
The keto diet is so easy – a bit of protein, lots of green veggies and a bit of oil and basically, that’s it. It helps tremendously to have a husband who is happy to eat whatever I serve!
Linda in NE says
…as opposed to my husband who is such a skinny minnie that it takes tons of carbs to just keep him alive. He’s pretty sure too, that any seasoning that adds flavor might kill him. I still have a hard time believing that I’ve gotten him trained to eat pizza, spaghetti & lasagna…..his brother still won’t touch any of that.
Tricia says
I’m guessing that Vince is happy to eat whatever you serve because you are an amazing cook!
Judy Laquidara says
I used to be a decent cook but not so much any more.
Teri says
Was Vince able to stick to the diet while you were away? WTG both of you!
dezertsuz says
I love green veggies! I even go to the dark side and like some that aren’t green. =)
Nelle Coursey says
You are so lucky. The only thing my husband eats that is green is green beans!