Chad and Nicole had been talking about getting Addie a trampoline and she’s been begging for one. She takes gymnastics so he loves getting on the trampoline and doing flips. They had decided to get one for her birthday in August but I suggested they get it now and every day, remind her that it’s an early birthday present. By the time August comes around, it will be so hot, it will be time for school again and then winter will be here. If they get one now, she can be enjoying it immediately and for a lot of months.

It was probably after 6 when they got it all set up and she jumped til I don’t think she could jump any more.

With the netting and padding, I think it’s a lot safer than the trampoline we had when Chad was a child so I’m hoping she enjoys it for years to come and doesn’t get hurt.
Rebecca in SoCal says
Maybe Chad and Nicole will get a chance to use it, too! I read a blog post where a woman was recommending a “rebounder” (a small trampoline) for exercise.
Nelle Coursey says
So glad they got it now! Looks like a good one and she will enjoy it for years to come!
dezertsuz says
It looks like so much fun, and lower than some I’ve seen, which is good. I think that was the right thing to do. You are so right about August!