Quarter 2 starts tomorrow for the Eat, Sleep, Knit Knit along which is a fade project. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much trouble deciding what to make.
I need to use 2000+ yards to get the maximum stars.
The first thing I will probably do for sure is the Comfort Fade Cardi. I’m guessing that will take about 1,500 yards. This is the yarn I plan to use. I have it with me so I can start it tomorrow.

Then I thought maybe I would do So Faded and So Faded Pint Size so that Addie and I could have matching sweaters but, if I do those, I’m going to steek them and make cardigans.

I have these yarns here but I feel like the middle one may not go. If I took out the middle one and added a darker blue on the end, I might like it better. These colors are: Cosmic Wonder Dust, Purple Rain, Patagonia, Gin & Tonic and Deep Water. This grouping is all Madelinetosh Twist Light and I have Deep and Charlie Buckets at home. Either of those should work for a darker blue on the end. I still feel like I need something in between #2 and #4 but once I get home and get reunited with the stash, I can make that decision so I probably will not start knitting on either So Faded project til I get home.
Another option is Sea Swell Shawl. I was thinking those blues above would work for that project but I would love to make a fade cardi for Addie.
Less than 24 hours to decide what I’m going to start first!
Cilla says
OMG I LOVE Sea Swell Shall!!!!! It is so Van Gogh-ish, my favourite painter. Beautiful. Can’t wait to see your finish……
Rebecca in SoCal says
Totally agree with Cilla. Indeed, one of the yarns in your first group looks quite “Starry Night”-ish!