This is Addie’s first year of school and I never knew I could go up to the school and have lunch with her. Today Nicole and I picked up food and went and ate with her.

She was so happy to have us there! I’m going to go back and have lunch with her again before I leave this trip. I probably won’t be back before school is out.
Cilla says
Her eyes glow with pride that you are there.
Marsha B says
That sounds like so much fun for all of you! Enjoy your Grandma time!
Pat Anderson says
Our grandson’s (7-year old) school has “Grandfoxes’ Day” (school mascot is a fox. We have been able to go both years since we moved here and Trace is so excited to have us there! I’m so glad you were able to do this! Addie will remember!
Mary Crowther says
Every year my Grandchildren have a Grandma day. I can’t always attend but when I did it was fun. Addie is so cute! Love the time you get to be with her.
Marilyn Smith says
When our Kaitlin went to a Christian School, we always went for grandparents day as did her other grandparents. We all sat together and watched her as she beamed with joy that we were there for this special day. They were released to go out to lunch with everyone. Happy days. She is now in 8th grade at a public middle school due to horrific bullying at the Christian School. They worked with the school but they supported the family that donated mucho $$$$$ to the school. Apparently this other child has moved on to bullying another child. It really was a terrific school and Kaitlin was very happy there for many years and we loved going to support her. Enjoy your time there with your sweetheart. We sure did!
We also go to as many of her soccer games as we can too.
Nelle Coursey says
That looks like so much fun and I know Addie loved having you there!
dezertsuz says
And wearing that beautiful blue sweater!